Wednesday 18 June 2008

Joe Dolan remembered in Mullingar

More than 2,000 people gathered at the Cathedral of Christ the King in Mullingar for the funeral of the singer and entertainer Joe Dolan.
Among the first to arrive at the funeral this morning were leading figures in the Irish entertainment industry, including  Paddy Cole, Dickie Rock, Ronnie Drew, Brendan Grace and Oliver Barry.
The homily at the Requiem Mass was delivered by the Fr Brian Darcy.
The mourners heard how the 68-year-old singer secretly gave tens of thousands of euro to the poor during his career.
Speaking to a gathering at the Cathederal, Fr Darcy said Dolan had wanted the donations to remain private throughout his life.
Fr Darcy said that Dolan and his band were pioneers of the Celtic Tiger era because they brought joy and entertainment to a very dull nation in the 1960s.
The burial after the funeral mass was in Walshestown Cemetery.

Monday 9 June 2008

Ricky Gervais - Steve Carell Holding Gervais Emmy

RICKY GERVAIS' Emmy Award is being held hostage by his American OFFICE counterpart STEVE CARELL, who accepted the honour on the British actor's behalf last year (07).

Carell leaped to the stage to accept the British actor's award for Outstanding Comedy Series as the show's American ambassador - and is now holding on to the trophy.

He says, "I'm not going to give it back to him. He wasn't there to accept the Emmy. So what I figure is who ever is first up on stage should just take it. So I was there. I ran up and I (thought) it would add something to the Emmys. "

Carell was so inspired, his first-come, first-served mentality has even given him the idea for a new show: "If you tackle the presenter, if there's a little more at stake. A little more jeopardy. I would produce that show."

See Also

Sunday 1 June 2008

Former Lost star begins jail term

Former 'Lost' star Michelle Rodriguez has begun her 180-day jail term in Los Angeles for violating her probation on drink driving and hit-and-run offences.
Reuters reports that the actress registered with the Century Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood, south of Los Angeles, on Sunday, under her first name Mayte. Michelle is the star's middle name.
In October, Los Angeles County Superior Court judge Daviann Mitchell sentenced Rodriguez to jail after the 29-year-old actress admitted failing to complete community service obligations.
Rodriguez was also found to have taken alcohol on at least three occasions while wearing a monitoring bracelet; this violated her probation requirement to refrain from drinking for 90 days.
She must also complete her 30 days of service for California's transportation department.
The judge specified that Rodriguez not be granted work furlough, early release or home confinement.
Rodriguez's probation violation arose from a 2004 case in which she pleaded no contest to three traffic offences in Los Angeles, including hit-and-run and drink driving.
She received a 60-day jail sentence for a probation violation in May 2006 but was released after four hours and 20 minutes due to overcrowding.
Rodriguez was also sentenced to five days in jail in Hawaii in 2006 in another drink driving case; at the time she chose jail after refusing the judge's offer of community service.