Monday 9 June 2008

Ricky Gervais - Steve Carell Holding Gervais Emmy

RICKY GERVAIS' Emmy Award is being held hostage by his American OFFICE counterpart STEVE CARELL, who accepted the honour on the British actor's behalf last year (07).

Carell leaped to the stage to accept the British actor's award for Outstanding Comedy Series as the show's American ambassador - and is now holding on to the trophy.

He says, "I'm not going to give it back to him. He wasn't there to accept the Emmy. So what I figure is who ever is first up on stage should just take it. So I was there. I ran up and I (thought) it would add something to the Emmys. "

Carell was so inspired, his first-come, first-served mentality has even given him the idea for a new show: "If you tackle the presenter, if there's a little more at stake. A little more jeopardy. I would produce that show."

See Also